Arden Palmer, Senior

With spring being here, Easter is fast approaching. During this national crisis, Easter may not present itself as we have been accustomed to. However, here are some fun Easter Egg DIYs that the whole family can participate in this spring!

The first egg is a button flower egg! For this activity you will need white buttons, a few yellow buttons, paper leaves, hot glue, and Easter Egg dye. After dyeing your egg, arrange the white buttons in a flower shape with the yellow as the interior piece, and attach them with the hot glue. Then, add the paper leaves on, and you have a cute flower themed egg!
The next idea is a marbled egg, which is a little more complicated but extremely chic.The supplies you will need for this DIY are a plastic container you wouldn’t mind ruining, a plastic fork, latex gloves, nail polish, and water. First, start by filling the container with room temperature water. Then, add a few drops of the color of nail polish you want, stirring with the fork. Finally, place your Easter egg into the container and allow it to sit for a few seconds before removing it to allow it to dry.

The last DIY is making Easter eggs resemble adorable animals! For this activity, you will need the color dye of your animal and some colored construction paper. Some animals that you could recreate are chicks or bunny rabbits. To make a baby chick, first dye your egg yellow, allow it to dry, then add a tiny beak with construction paper, and either draw eyes or even add googly eyes and some yellow feathers to the top of the egg! For a bunny rabbit, dye an egg whatever color you would like (i.e pink, purple, yellow, blue), then allow the egg to dry before using paint markers to draw on eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Finally, add construction paper cut in ovals to represent the ears on top of the egg! Have fun this Easter with these fun ideas!