Gianna Gammello, Freshman
This year has been “unique”, but not many were suspecting Election Day to be this “unique”. Voting this year is different from most, but here is what we know about Election Day's results.
This Election Day was sought out to be different from the rest from the very start, little did we know it would be this different. Election Day started out simple, everyone either sending in mail-in ballots or going to an actual voter booth. According to voters, voting restrictions due to COVID-19 were not much of an issue. Many people even registered to vote as they came to vote, but most people got their votes in.
This election is leaving many Americans eager and anxious, and having to count all the mail-in ballots, thus having it take longer, does not help with anxious voters.
November 4th, the day following election day, as Biden and Trump are reported leading and winning certain swing states, a press conference was held in Philadelphia. Former mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, came forth with what’s “really been happening” as the votes are counted and the numbers go up. Additionally, accusations of voter fraud have been made against the Democratic Party.

Rudy explains how the Trump administration is suing the Democratic Party for voter fraud, providing that there was accusations made that “between 3:30-4:30 AM they ‘found’ 140,000 mail in ballots in Wisconsin, between 3:30-5:00AM they ‘found’ 200,000 mail in ballots in Michigan, and between 2:00-4:00AM, they ‘found’ 1,000,000 mail in ballots in Pennsylvania, none of which were reported being checked to make sure all were signed properly, proper postage stamps, etc, all of which were ballots for Biden.”
Additionally, allegations were made that “Reported Wisconsin voter turnout in 2020 is so high that it can only be viewed as a virtual statistical impossibility. It’s 5.5 standard deviations from the mean... This should be immediately investigated. 2020 turnout of 89.3% is 5.5 standard deviations from the historical average of 66.8%, a virtual statistical impossibility.” Thus meaning that allegations were made for Biden winning Wisconsin because there were more reported ballots in Wisconsin, then there are people eligible to vote in Wisconsin.
Many people accuse Trump of “only wanting a recount because he is losing”, explaining how he can not just stop the ballots being counted out of nowhere.
The controversy does not end here. Protests and even riots have taken place in Portland, Minneapolis, New York, and more, not all of which were peaceful.
Many are protesting either for Trump, or Biden, those protesting for Biden have been seen shouting chants like “Don’t stop the count”, and, “Every vote counts!” in response to Trump wanting to stop the counts due to the accusations that were made.
Biden has been reported to be breaking Obama’s record for most votes ever cast for a U.S. President.
The Trump administration has said to be “demanding a recount”, soon meaning that we probably will not be getting clear results for a little bit now, leaving many American voters even more eager than they were when they walked into the voting booth.