Emily Scheffel, Freshman
On December 4th, Kevin Hart was announced to be the host of this years Oscars, but on December 6th, Hart ended up stepping down from his position after his past homophobic tweets were brought into light.

Hart posted the homophobic tweets in 2009-2011. The subjects of some of the tweets are Hart’s fear of his son being gay and possibly resorting to violence, calling people “walking gay AIDs billboards,” and calling someone fat followed by a homophobic slur. Hart claimed that these tweets were jokes in the name of comedy causing a lot of people to come to his defense. However, many people were against him and thought what he tweeted was wrong.
While appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, Hart stirred the pot when he claimed that bringing up these tweets was an “attack” and that people were attempting to end his career. He also stated that it was no coincidence that they were brought up after the announcement of him hosting the Oscars. Ellen defended Hart saying that even though she was offended by the tweets, it wasn’t out of a place of hate. It was due to a lack of educated on the subject and not knowing how these words hurt people. Ellen also stated that she called the academy and put in a good word for Hart. The academy said that they want him to host but the whole situation was handled wrong and they would gladly re-hire Hart.