Natalie Owens, Freshman

The American Red Cross needs your help to save a life! Since 1870, the month of January has been celebrated as National Blood Donor Month. January tends to be a slow month gaining blood donations due to the recent end of the holiday season, but this time is a crucial as any. The harsh weather and weather related illnesses cause a steady increase for the need of blood donors throughout the country. Busy schedules and school breaks can make this time difficult for people to donate to those in need. To keep up with the demand, the American Red Cross must collect 13,000 donations per day to give to 2,600 care centers in America. Healthy individuals are encouraged to donate, so roll up your sleeve and donate blood during January!
What Should I know about Donating Blood?
Blood and platelet donors are needed for every blood type. Type O negative is especially important because it is a universal blood type. But every kind of blood is useful for saving a life. Just one donation can actually save up to 3 lives! Donations are essential because every 2 seconds someone in the United states needs blood. A great aspect of donating blood is that it can be done relatively often. A person usually only has to wait 8 week between donations. Donating blood is a healthy process for the body, as it has many health benefits. Every donor has their blood evaluated for any abnormalities before it can be given to a recipient. The process of giving blood can also burn an average 650 calories! Donating blood can decrease the likelihood of developing heart disease and cancer because it reduces iron build up in the bloodstream. And best of all, a donor gains the satisfaction of knowing they saved a life!
How Can I Participate?
To be considered for a blood donation, you must have a minimum age of 17 or 16 with parental consent depending on the state law, a weight of at least 110 pounds, and be in a generally healthy condition. Further eligibility can be tested with a health professional. Encourage those around you to donate blood and spread the news about National Blood Donor Month! The more the merrier! Have a fear of needles or blood but still want to contribute to this cause? Monetary donations are always welcome to the American Red Cross Foundation.
For More Information
The Red Cross Blood Donor App,, or the number 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) can help those wanting to learn more about the American Red Cross, schedule an appointment, find locations of local blood drives, and more.