Kenzie Connolly, Junior

This month is National Garden Month, where people can get the chance to grow endless fruits, vegetables and flowers in their yard. Timing is everything when growing plants and such; frost, cold weather and freezing weather kills mostly anything you plant. Spring is the best time to grow your plants, and that is why April is National Garden Month.
Some people may think, why grow food at home when you can just buy it at the store? Well, you will be supplied with fresh vegetables, and you will know that no chemicals were used when growing these. Gardens will also get people out in the sun and the fresh air. Being outside is very important because you can get some of those vitamins from the sun that you would be missing if you were inside.
Also, gardening gives people something fun to do any time of day. Gardening can be really fun with being able to plant anything you want and then seeing that progress of what you have planted over time; it is very rewarding and a great way to feel accomplished.
This act will also get your whole family involved if you choose to. If an outdoor activity could get your family and even friends outside, it is definitely something worth trying, and you will get some great fruits and vegetables out of it.
Some of the most common vegetables planted in home gardens are tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, carrots and green beans. All of those vegetables are the most popular and fairly easy to grow. Some of the most common fruits planted are apple trees, blueberries, strawberries and cherries. Fruit being planted in home gardens is actually less common than vegetables.
This month is all about growth, where you can get together with family and see how your garden grows just as you grow.