Sydney Cohen, Senior

A dog is man’s best friend, but a pet best friend can come in any shape or size imaginable. From fur to scales, these little guys are treasured and kept near and dear to an owner’s heart. Pets give their owners the greatest gift in life by loving them unconditionally. Even if they may be looking at their owners for a bite of whatever they're eating, they have these sweet little faces that one can just not say no to. Although pets are mute to humans, many show love by cuddling, licking, barking/meowing to warn of danger, and more. People show their love for their animals by purchasing special treats and toys, of course, but also by ensuring things like proper exercise, a clean living environment, diet, vet visits, and updated tags are completed. Quality of life for pets is always of utmost concern for people. Those are normal expectations for pet owners, but some people take their furry friends for granted. A sad reality is that many animals across the country, and world, are abused.
The heart-wrenching commercials produced by the ASPCA depict the tear-worthy lives of some animals. Viewers are shown images of abandoned, abused, and emotionally broken animals that are all caused at the hands of their supposed loving owners. The title of a pet should be one of love, not mistreatment. Some animals are found in disturbing places such as holes in the ground, abandoned on the sides of roads, caged in the most unsanitary of basements. These animals are brought back to shelters in a variety of conditions as well. Animals are rescued malnourished, matted, diseased, and physically battered. If approached with tender care, these creatures can have their full potential brought to light and wear the title of pet proudly when they finally get their time with a truly loving family.
On April 11, one can cherish their pet. Celebrate the joy that they bring into life, but do not forget about the ones who need extra love. The ones who are waiting for the right owners to come around. On any day, especially National Pet Day, visit a shelter. One does not have to take an animal home to make a difference. Stop by and say hello to them and give them some attention, it will mean more to them than one might think. If visiting a shelter does not fit into one’s schedule, pick up a few toys and donate them to a local shelter. Shelters are always accepting donations that improve the quality of life of the animals even more. Another option to positively impact an animal’s life is to foster them until they find a good and proper home. Fostering an animal would mean to house and take care of an animal until a permanent home is acquired. This would prevent the foster animal from living in a confined space for an extended period of time and to adjust to what life would be like in a home with possible other animals and people. Any form of help is appreciated by the animals. They are innocent and just want love in return.
If one sees something, say something and contact local authorities for the good of the animals. Silence never the answer, especially when these are the beings who would put their lives on the line for their owners.