By: Gabriela Franco (Junior) & Kayla Good (Senior)

Quakertown High School’s Holidayfest & Craft Fair took place on Saturday December, 14 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and involved more than 80 crafters and vendors selling unique holiday gifts and crafts, kids’ crafts zone where they children can decorate and create many holiday options, and performances by the Quakertown Elementary and High School’s ensembles. During the event, we had the privilege of interviewing a couple of people, such as a young vendor named Mackenzie, Kristi Szabo a volunteer for the kids’ craft zone, and Chef Andrew from Sinfully Delicious Bakery located in Allentown. In our first interview with Mackenzie, we learned her favorite part of the entire event, which was making a succulent, and the different items that she was selling at her table. Afterwards, we visited the Kids’ Craft Zone and met Kristi Szabo, a seasoned volunteer that spoke to us about her role in the event and her favorite part, which was the performances. Lastly, we interviewed Chef Andrew, who was very kind. We asked him how found out about the event, and he said that people had told him about to event, so he called the person who was running the fest and came down to the show. He let us get free cookies because we asked him for an interview. Overall, the event made us realize that we got out of our comfort zone by asking people if we were allowed to film them for a project, and it was so much fun to attend!