Hailey Diehl, Sophomore
George was just a lonely 14-year-old snail living his best life. Unfortunately, according to National Geographic, George passed away on New Year’s Day. George wasn’t just any snail though, he was the last snail of his species. Due to his death, the Achatinella apexfulva species is officially extinct. One positive aspect of his death is that it is bringing attention to the plight of Hawaiian-native snail species.

There used to be over 750 species of snails on the island, but as the years go on, that number continuously dwindles. The snails perform important tasks on the island, such as decomposition. In total, land snails and slugs have disappeared to the point that 40% of all extinctions are from such species. One of the main reasons for all these deaths are invasive species causing the native species to die off.
Sischo, David. “Lonely George the Tree Snail Dies, and a Species Goes Extinct.” National Geographic, National Geographic, 8 Jan. 2019, www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/01/george-the-lonely-snail-dies-in-hawaii-extinction/.