Taylor Diehl, Freshman

While zodiac signs may not predict our lives, they still can provide a general reading of people solely based on their star signs. Zodiac signs are defined by the annual path that the sun travels across the sky; this is followed by twelve different horoscopes listed that are created. When the Earth continues to orbit around the sun, you can notice the signs that are delivered from the constellation, the Earth, the sun, stars, and motion. Zodiac signs have shown to be a very interesting topic among many different people. Zodiac signs can be known to predict many different things about not just who you’re compatible with, but how you may be known to act and what your strong and weak points may be depending on your personality.
During the month of September, Virgos and Libras fall under this motion of movement. August twenty-third is the start of Virgo’s orbit.
Virgos are the sixth astrological sign out of the twelve. Virgo’s span is from the 150-180th degree of the zodiac and where it places across the orbit. Virgos are one of the three Earth signs, along with Taurus and Capricorn. Earth signs are known to be the most down to earth and to be the most stable. Following that, Virgos are represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, this means that they are very deep-rooted and practical. Virgos are renowned for being very intelligent and resourceful. They are very smart and can naturally solve problems with very little to no effort. They are kind-hearted and gentle; though are known to also be very easy to talk to and extremely supportive. While Virgos’ month ends on September 22, the month of the Libras starts on the 23rd of September.
Known for being naturally charming and peaceful, Libra’s month is from September 23 through October 22. Without even trying, Libras are extremely outgoing and have a strong sense of justice. They are a part of the air signs, which means that they never take the time to catch their breath. They are always trying to get more done, to the point where they never find time for themselves. There are three different signs that are a part of the air group; Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. They span from 180-210 degrees, and they are the seventh sign.
Zodiac signs are known to show a lot of different information and signs to people based on astrological science.
Works Cited
Cabral, Carrie. The 10 Fundamental Libra Traits and the Best Advice for Libras, blog.prepscholar.com/libra-traits-personality#:~:text=Libras are known for being, beautiful, and well-balanced.&text=Libras are also the kings, their personal and professional lives.
Faragher, Aliza Kelly. “The Personality of a Virgo, Explained.” Allure, Allure, 30 July 2020, www.allure.com/story/virgo-zodiac-sign-personality-traits#:~:text=They are kind, gentle, and, assist on a practical level.
“What Is the Zodiac?” EarthSky, earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/what-is-the-zodiac#:~:text=It's defined by the annual path of the sun across our sky.&text=The zodiac, the 12 signs, the course of a year.