Meherrin Garcia-Stevens, Freshman
There are 5 days left of school, which means summer is right around the corner. Because you don’t want to be bored, here are some things that can keep you busy:
A trip to the beach has so many things you can do! You can swim in the ocean and go on the boardwalks. We live in an area where beaches are really far. Beaches give you great opportunities to make friends and so many great memories.
Bike riding is great for exercise and being in nature. It gives you an opportunity to get out of the house and enjoy the weather. You can ride your bike on the boardwalk and trails. If you don’t have a bike, you can even rent one for a few hours!
Going camping can also be fun, whether it's in a tent or a camper. It is a great way to get away and be in nature for a little while. Some campsites even have pools and playgrounds you can use. Campsites you can go to are Colonial Woods Family Camping Resort, Bear Valley Campgrounds, and Ringing Rocks Family Campground.
Water balloon fights are a fun activity with family or friends. It can cool you down in hot weather and help realize stress. Make sure to pick up the plastic from the balloons.
Taking a swim in a pool, lake, ocean, river can cool you down and give you a chance to stay in the sun.
The Delaware River is a great river for tubing, which can be very fun and relaxing. Bucks County River Country is a place where you can rent tubes and get a bus ride to the river.
Catching up on sleep is very important. During the school year you miss out on a lot of sleep that your body needs. So if you just feel like taking a nap, it's a great thing for your body.
Laying in the sun is good for your body, it gives you vitamin D, lowers blood pressure, increases energy, uplifts your mood, and supports better sleep, etc. Wear sunscreen and stay hydrated to keep your body safe.
Walk around in a local town like Frenchtown and New Hope. You can meet up with friends, go shopping, and maybe grab something to eat.
These are some fun and simple things you can do over the summer to keep yourself entertained. Summer gives you a chance to step away from school, be in nature, and spend time with friends and family.