Ashley Wenskoski, Senior

Last night featured the three-hour long season premiere of The Bachelor on ABC, debuting a franchise veteran and fan favorite Colton Underwood as the newest Bachelor. Underwood has previously been featured as a contestant on the The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise, so this is his third time looking for love on national television. His main storyline is that he is a former NFL football player that is inexperienced sexually and is waiting to give himself to someone that he is in love with. Charismatic host Chris Harrison selected thirty eligible women for Underwood to date on his journey for love. Underwood spends the first night in the Bachelor mansion getting to know the women, each of whom tries to make herself stand out. Among the contestants are two former Miss USA contestants, a woman who has never been kissed, and a woman who dresses up in a sloth costume.
Throughout the night, many of the women make connections with Underwood right away. He gives the First Impression rose to a girl named Hannah, who he then proceeds to kiss. He also kisses former Miss North Carolina and seems to hit it off with her. A woman named Catherine asserts her dominance right away by asking to speak with him four times and interrupting his time with other women, but prevails to get a rose anyway. Overall, Underwood ends up sending eight women home and keeping twenty-two on the first night. It will be interesting to see how his season continues and see which women he finds love with!