Cassie Mitsch, Senior

If you do not know already, Black Friday is one of the most popular shopping days of the year. People around the world will wake up ridiculously early just to be the first ones to the malls/shops. So, what is Black Friday? Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving, where almost all stores have crazy sales, deals, and clearances! Many people look forward to this day mainly because of how much money they can save and how cheap it can be to get all your holiday shopping done in one day. As great as this may sound, Black Friday can also be very dangerous. There have been many incidents over the years where eager shoppers can be trampled because of how crowded the stores get and because of how many people are rushing into shops at a time. There are also fights over certain items, which are dangerous. So, overall, Black Friday is a very good day for smart shopping, but can also be a little bit dangerous. But, lucky for you, there are simple things to do to make sure you have the safest, smartest, and easiest Black Friday shopping ever!
The first tip is to have a plan. This should be the first thing you should make before going shopping. Know what time you’re waking up. Will it be early or later? Know what stores you are going to and in what order. This will help with organization and it will decrease stress amongst all the hectic shoppers. You should plan what you’re buying, where, and what time you will be lining up outside/inside stores. If you have an interest in big items like TV’s or laptops, know that there will be a lot of other competitor shoppers wanting the same items you want. So, having a plan will ensure you get the items you want without hassle or problems.
Another tip is to shop for big-ticket items first. You have to prioritize the biggest items on your Black Friday list because these are usually the first to sell out. If you’re planning on shopping at a large shopping mall, go from big to small; chances are this will be the lowest price you’ll find on that TV, camera, or sound system you’ve had your eye on and you don’t want to miss it. Wait until later in the day to shop for smaller items since they go on sale far more frequently, and the money saved isn’t nearly as much as on a big-ticket item.
The last tip is to resist the impulse purchases. When shopping on Black Friday, many of the workers at the shops you will be visiting will be trying to persuade you into buying useless items that you do not need. There is also a lot of temptation that comes along with the amazing deals on Black Friday. But since you’ve got a plan, you’ll be able to resist any sudden urges and have a productive shopping day. Have all the items you want, and their prices, listed and budgeted, and be sure to stick to it. You don’t want to find yourself buying impulse buys before you’ve crossed everything off on your list!
These tips are very helpful to keep you on track and on budget during the busiest but best shopping day of the year!