Hailey Diehl, Sophomore
The holidays are more than just presents and food. Most importantly, they are about giving. A great way to give back to your community is by doing a few selfless actions that bring joy to others. Not only will they be thankful, but you will feel good about yourself, too. With this list of 12 ideas to open up your heart and give back, you will surely find something that will be perfect for you to do to help this holiday season!
Animal Shelter

With millions of animals going into shelters each year, non-profit organizations, such as the SPCA, really appreciate volunteers to help care for the animals. This volunteer service takes more commitment than others. You must complete orientation and required training, and then help at least eight hours a month for a minimum of six months. If you are over 18, then you can work independently; however, if you aren’t, then you just have to convince your parents or older siblings to help out, too! This is a great option for people that have a soft spot for playful puppies and cute kittens but also don’t mind if their time is needed all year round.
For more information: http://www.bcspca.org/support/volunteer/
Food Bank
The Quakertown Food Pantry’s goal is to make sure no one is left with an empty stomach in Upper Bucks County. They provide free food to people in need and can always use compassionate volunteers to help. If you are interested, there is an orientation you can go to that will provide more information.
For more information: http://www.quakertownfoodpantry.org/
Do something selfless for a neighbor
This is a very broad task, but it can really impact people in a large way. By offering to help your neighbor with something, whether it be hanging lights on their house or shoveling snow, you are creating a bond with them. Especially if you have any neighbors that live alone, this can make them feel included in the community and you can create a friendship that lasts a lifetime.
Clean up trash
Littering has a negative impact on the environment, besides being an eyesore, it can also harm wildlife that ingests litter or becomes entangled in it. In fact, over a million birds die every year due to litter. In between the snowfall, you can easily take a stroll around your own neighborhood with some gloves and a plastic bag and pick up trash. It would not only make your street cleaner, but it will also help the environment and make you feel good about yourself! My sister likes to do this when she is taking the dog on a walk, and that should just prove how easy it is to be helpful this holiday season.
Donate to a charity
There are thousands of wonderful charities to donate to this winter. This is great because you can find an organization that supports something you are really passionate about. Donations allow those organizations to continue to do what makes them so amazing. Some good charities to donate to include the Wildlife Conservation Society, Cancer Research Institute, Rainforest Action Network, and Feed My Starving Children.
Charitywatch.com is a great resource to find other charities you may be interested in.
Toys for Tots

With Christmas right around the corner, Toys for Tots is a fantastic way to make sure all kids wake up with a present from Santa Claus on Christmas morning. Even though toys aren’t the most important things on Christmas, it still makes the children feel special. There are multiple ways to donate, but a popular one is to buy toys and then put them in the donation boxes found at some schools or churches.
For more information: https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/Default.aspx
Donate books
Books have a range of purposes. Some are meant to help students learn, others are meant to be a form of entertainment. Either way, your old books can be enjoyed again through donation!
For more information: https://pickupplease.org/donate-books/
Send card and box to troops

Operation Gratitude is an organization that gives care packages to those fighting for our country. There are multiple ways to support the troops, veterans, first responders, new recruit graduates, wounded heroes and their caregivers, and military families through this program. The main two ways to help are donating money and writing cards. About $15 covers one package, and taking a few moments out of your day to write a letter comes at no cost. In fact, the letters are usually the favorite part of the gift.
For more Information: https://www.operationgratitude.com/gclid=COj48qmi9bMCFemiPAod0EAAXw
Give Blood
If you are 16 or older, you should look into donating blood! One pint of blood can help up to three people and there are constant shortages in hospitals. It is completely safe and can save someone's life, so find out where to donate today!
For more Information: http://www.cpbb.org/donorinfo/
Letters of appreciation (to people you know)
Taking the time out of your day to write letters of appreciation to people you see everyday can really make them feel special. Whether it be the barista at your favorite coffee place, your mailman, or the bus driver, you could put a smile on their face with a kind letter. If you don't have the time to hand-write letters, don't worry, just next time you see them, make sure to tell them how much you appreciate them and what they do for you.
Babysit for free
Holidays are a busy time, and sometimes it can be difficult for families to find babysitters to watch their kids when they are off from school. Money can also be tight during the holidays, as parents are trying to purchase their child's list to Santa in reward for them being good all year. By offering to babysit, you are not only making the parents lives easier, but also, you get to make a child’s day. You can become their favorite babysitter as you let them watch Christmas movies while eating popcorn and candy!
Donate used clothes

With the winter season quickly approaching, it is almost certain you have some summer clothes that aren't going to be making into your wardrobe for next year. Even though you might not have a use for them anymore, that doesn't mean other people won't. A great thing to do with all those old cloths is to simply donate them to people in need!
Hopefully you find a kind thing you like to do and it can become a Christmas tradition. Whatever gracious act you do this season, remember, all the people and animals you are helping are thankful and you should feel proud of yourself. Doing kind things isn't just for winter, there are hundreds of helpful things you can do all year round!
Columnist, Guest. “20 Selfless Things to Do This Holiday Season.” MNN - Mother Nature Network, Mother Nature Network, 13 Nov. 2018, www.mnn.com/home-blog/guest-columnist/blogs/20-selfless-things-to-do-this-holiday-season.
Diana, et al. “51 Holiday Service Projects.” The Shine Project, 30 Nov. 2012, theshineproject.com/51-holiday-service-projects/.