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A Month For You

Writer's picture: undefined

Emma Cosgrove, Freshman

Yes! Yes! Yes! This is all about you and keeping you in good health and good mind! The month of September is self care month. Now, this may not be the month of September. But it is still good to have a self care month, no matter what month it is, where it is all about you, you, and you! Each day of October, it is up to you to take care of yourself in different ways. Now, this does not mean you have to do each option or every single day. But you can also think about it like this is the month you can treat yourself and just take care of you in general.

October 1st: Today is all about being inspired and being inspiring. Today, if you would like to, watch a Ted Talk and let your mind really soak the information in. Let yourself relax and let yourself sit back and really hear the words of the Ted Talk. Let yourself become inspired by what you hear and see around you. Let yourself breathe.

October 2nd: Water. Water. Water! Today try to focus on trying to drink at least 2 L or 70 oz of water. Let this day inspire you to drink more water on a daily basis. On a normal day, you are supposed to drink a minimum of 8 oz of water. But today, challenge yourself to drink more water. Toss that unhealthy, sugary soda away for the day.

October 3rd: When you wake up this morning try something new. Today is about creating a new morning routine and trying something new. Maybe try a face mask or go for a run, eat a healthy breakfast. Let today bring you into a new meaning of you. And a new meaning of this part of your life.

October 4th: Is your social media messing? Does it need to be cleaned up? Reorganized? Well, today is the day you do it and put your mind to it. Maybe delete some old posts you don’t want anymore. Maybe if they aren’t good for you anymore you might delete them and get rid of the toxicness. Or maybe just freestyle and clean out your phone, reorganize, and dust everything off.

October 5th: Is it a nice day outside? If it is to go for a walk, or a run, maybe even a bike ride. Stretch your muscles to be active for today. Even if it isn’t nice outside you can do plenty of things inside. You could do yoga or do a workout you found online. Maybe you could even play with a pet if you have one. Anything active you can think of, do. Get active and have fun!

October 6th: Today, get creative! Be adventurous. Maybe do an arts and crafts project. Or do something creative that you have been wanting to do for a while. Anything that you can think of if that's new or not done often by you can be creative. You could even creatively reorganize your room if you wanted to. Anything is possible and anything is doable.

October 7th: Try something new. Maybe even take the day off if that's something to you. Explore your options and choose one, maybe even two or three. This is a free day for you to explore your options around you. Maybe go to a new diner or try a new type of food. The options are endless!

October 8th: Eat healthy! You know you always should, so today, do! Cook a nice healthy meal. Or if cooking is not something you enjoy or can do then go out to eat. Have a salad, fruit, even some vegetables. Get creative with your healthy meals of the day and have fun with it. And remember there's no push to only eat salad or fruit there’s other ways to eat healthy too!

October 9th: Have you ever tried meditation? Well if you haven't, today is the day to try it. For some meditation you can think up some calming things for yourself to do if that's what you’d like to do. Or you could look up a video on YouTube or maybe even download an app to do it. Relax today and let your brain settle for a while.

(Photo Courtesy: My American Nurse)

October 10th: There is always one thing everyone is procrastinating to do. Well you guessed it! Today is the day to do the thing (or things) that you have been putting off. Whether it be to clean your room or to finally work on a project you’ve been wanting to do.

October 11th: Now that you have done meditation it's time to try some yoga! This can be with a friend or by yourself, but let yourself explore the nature of yoga, even if you are just sitting on the floor of your bedroom or living room. Don’t forget to play some motivating and calming music while you stretch those muscles!

October 12th: Put yourself on hold today. Maybe take a step back into your mind to watch your day go on. Watch everything unfold around you. Let this be your chance to pinpoint where your stress or anxiety is coming from. Let this be your chance to figure out what you need to work on, in yourself and in the things around you.

October 13th: Take a good long look at your email. Does it need to be cleaned out? If not, hoorah, today you have a free day to do what you want. If not, use this day or 15 minutes to clean out your email. Let it sparkle!

October 14th: Use this day to groom yourself. Do some face masks, take a bath with some salts or a bath bomb. Use today to treat your body to something well deserved.

October 15th: Who are you grateful for? Your mom, dad, your partner? Well now you can use your time to make a gratitude list. Then once you're done maybe say a thank you to that person for doing whatever they did to make it on your list. Appreciate this person, as no one lives forever!

October 16th: Everyone has random things lying around that they never use or touch. Today, take some time to get rid of three things that you don’t need, want or use anymore. And if you're feeling good, get rid of some more things. You can also donate things that are still in good condition, instead of throwing them out.

October 17th: Ever tried a vegetarian or vegan diet? Well today is your lucky day. Spend today’s lunch or dinner going on a vegetarian or a vegan diet. Try something new, you could even try vegan cookies, or brownies!

October 18th: Remember when you created a new morning routine? Well tonight is your chance to create a new evening routine. Change things up this afternoon, maybe even have breakfast for dinner, or do something that you would normally do in the morning time.

October 19th: Do you like true crime or wild animals? Have you ever watched a documentary about them? If you haven’t seen one of your choices, have fun picking one of the many out there to watch and enjoy!

October 20th: Go for a walk! Explore the nature around where you live, take it in and enjoy it! Maybe even set a goal for yourself and walk a certain distance or a certain amount of time. Enjoy this walk or run and let yourself unwind.

October 21st: Past problems can end all sorts of things, whether it be a section of your life or someone else's. Take the time today to write down a list of people you think should be forgiven. Now remember it doesn’t all have to be about your life. It doesn’t even have to involve you at all. If you wanted you could just write down a list of people you think should be forgiven in general.

October 22nd: Take the day off from social media. Maybe lately it has been clogging your brain and you might need a free day to relax and unfold without the pressure of social media on you. So take a leap on this day and use it wisely.

October 23rd: Tight muscles? Maybe a sore back? Maybe just a bad day? But for an hour or two of your day spend it taking a long shower. Or if you prefer, take a bubble bath. Add some bath salts or a bath bomb. Enjoy this hour or two and let your body rejuvenate.

October 24th: Have you ever participated in a time capsule? For yourself write a love letter. Write down all the things you love about yourself. Then set it somewhere you'll have to move it so when it comes time to clean or reorganize it's there for you to open and give a little hope for yourself.

October 25th: Have a messy room or workspace? Reorganize it! Or maybe just clean it up a bit. Take just a bit of time, if that is all you have, just to clean up a little. There is nothing like a fresh clean room or workspace!

October 26th: Do you like iced tea? Soda? Coffee? Today, treat yourself to drinking one of your favorite drinks. Whatever it is, get the biggest size and enjoy the rest of the day. Or maybe the rest of the hour!

October 27th: Have a fun day with some friends. Or if you prefer to spend some quality time with your family. Go out for lunch or dinner. Maybe go mini-golfing or fishing if that's what you are interested in.

October 28th: Today research a topic you don’t know much about. Maybe try and look into something you have never really been interested in and just read about it for a while. See if it could become an interest to you.

October 29th: Try a new physical activity. Explore with this idea and do something that interests you and that you are comfortable with. If you want to go out of your comfort zone, go for it! And if you don’t feel comfortable doing that then do something that is in your comfort zone.

October 30th: Use this day to take a day at home. If you don't have to go anywhere, don't. If you do, when you are home make the best out of it. Take a bath, a nap, maybe read a good book or watch a movie. If you can, maybe even work from home today. Do something you enjoy during this free time, and just relax.

October 31st: Today is a free day to do whatever you want to do. Maybe you missed a day this month, now's your chance to go back and do it. Or just think of something that you would like to do on this day. No matter what it is, have fun and explore!

There you go! You completed the month of October and whether you followed each day or not, hopefully once this month you took a day for yourself to relax and rejuvenate. And even though self care month is in September, it is good to have self care every month of the year whether it is September or not. No matter what month you are doing this, we hope you enjoyed yourself! Good luck and have fun!






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