Seanna Spickler, Freshman
National Book Month is held each October to focus on the importance of writing, literature, and reading. It is also an opportunity for books and authors to be noticed. Therefore, for National Book Month, here are a few books perfect for fall reading. TW: mention of eating disorders.

The first book is The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Z. Brewer. The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod is about a teenage vampire that is trying to find out why his mother and father mysteriously died. Vladimir, the main character, lives with his mother’s friend, who he considers his aunt, and she supplies everything that he needs to survive; including his blood supply. Vlad, short for Vladimir, went to school like any other normal day and his class had a substitute teacher that had recently just moved there. Around the same time the new sub had moved to town, Vlad’s original teacher had gone missing and hadn't been seen for days. Vlad got weird vibes from the substitute because he would always stare at him or say things that are related to events that have or are happening to Vladimir. Later in the book, Vlad finds out that the sub is actually his uncle Thomas and they go to Transylvania, because the vampire court found out that Vlad was alive. Vladimir wasn’t supposed to be alive because he is half human, half vampire, and that is breaking a vampire law.
In my opinion, the book has a good plot and events that make you want to continue reading it. It is also good if you’re interested in mythical creatures and it is a great read for Halloween.
Next, I recommend Skinny by Donna Cooner. Skinny is about a girl, Ever Davies, that is an obese teenager that gets bullied by her peers. She gets tired from all the bullying and staring from other people so she decided to get surgery to remove the fat from her body. This was a decision that would impact her life a lot because there was a possibility that she could have died from the surgery. She would, alongside the surgery, have to exercise everyday to lose the rest of her weight that wasn’t needed. After the surgery, she was in a lot of pain and could barely sit up on her own. After a few weeks she could walk and, to take things slow, she had to walk up and down the stairs as her exercise until she was stable enough to do things on her own. Ever had to stay home from school but when she went back, people started treating her as if she was more important than before she lost the weight.
I like the book; it kind of has you look in another person’s perspective on what some people may go through. For some people it might be triggering, notably for people who struggle with their appearances. I think people should read this because it has a good plot.
Lastly, I recommend Perfect by Natasha Friend. Perfect is about a young girl, Isabella, who suffers from bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa is a very serious eating disorder that is mainly used to avoid gaining weight. Isabella struggles with her appearance and, from her point of view, she thinks she isn’t perfect enough for society to accept. After her dad died she picked up the disorder because her dad always complimented her when she woke up, came home from school, and before she went to bed. When her dad died, she didn’t get the same attention that he gave her. Isabella had to go to therapy when her mom found out about her disorder but Isabella’s mom let her skip if she could have the disorder under control. One night after dinner Isabella went to the bathroom and forced herself to bring the food back up. She had been doing it without her mom knowing but that night her sister caught her in the bathroom and she had to tell their mom. Isabella had to go back to therapy and she had to go to a group and talk about her disorder with other people.
Perfect is one of my personal favorites because I like how the author makes the reader feel as if they are watching everything that is happening; it overall has a good plot to it. Like the book Skinny, this also might be triggering for some people who struggle with eating disorders or something similar. If you like books that are realistic, this is probably a good book to read.
If you enjoy reading then you should check out some of these books if they fit in your interest.