Abby Monroe, Freshman
The Thanksgiving traditions in the US of the past helped form the Thanksgiving traditions of today. Thanksgiving is known as the holiday where people shovel down turkey and stuffing until they become fat and tired. However, Thanksgiving has strayed from its traditional past.
Thanksgiving this year is especially unusual, due to Covid-19 and its effects. On November 8th, 2021, international travel was opened, but travelers have to be vaccinated and have a negative Covid test in order to travel. This is because the Centers of Disease Control relaxed and opened international travel again. Also, ingredients cost more because of inflation and supply chain issues. It's harder to get the supply you need for a Thanksgiving meal. The public last year couldn't go to the Thanksgiving Day parade because of Covid, but it will be open this year.

A normal Thanksgiving holiday would look like getting together to celebrate how thankful you are for your family. Many people eat a big meal with stuffing, a turkey, mashed potatoes, and other sides. For dessert many people have pie with pumpkin, pecan, or apple filling. Some people like to break the wishbone of the turkey and whatever person gets the bigger side of the wishbone, their wish comes true. People also play football after they eat to burn off the calories. Then there are those other people that just take a nap after they eat their Thanksgiving meal.
On the first Thanksgiving, because there was a successful harvest, the Pilgrims fired guns and canons. They didn’t eat turkey the first Thanksgiving but they did eat freshly killed deer, cod, bass, and the crops they harvested. They had a 3 day festival including feasting, games, and military exercises. There were a total of 50 colonists of men, married women, children, and teenagers. Children played games, sang, and danced at the 3 day Thanksgiving festival.
Some people still do some of these traditions today. People today play a football game after they eat and on the first Thanksgiving the children played games. People on the first Thanksgiving had a 3 day feast but now we only have one day of eating a Thanksgiving meal.