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How Will You Impact Yourself in 2019?

Writer's picture: undefined

Natalia Delfini, Senior

It's become a popular tradition to set goals for the new year.

Will you change yourself for the better?

Or are you content with your being now?

The qualities of being a good person are unconditional and endless. There is no standard or specific guideline on how to become a better person. Instead you can evaluate yourself and depict if you are being the person you were meant to be. In other words, listen to your gut.

To whomever is reading this, I have no knowledge of who you are. I do not know the qualities you possess and the attributes you give to the world around you. What makes you, you, is completely different than anyone else. We live in a world that gives people the opportunity to make their own perceptions of others. Say one person has five hundred friends and family, he or she also has five hundred different perceptions of him or herself. Some may see you as amazing and talented, and others may see you as a try-hard and boastful. It is so easy to get caught up in all of the opinions of others, when in reality there’s only one opinion that matters and that is your own.

Given that amazing news, have fun with it! You are able to create yourself however you please. Want to become an honor roll student? Earn that and then proudly label yourself as dedicated. Want to become more outgoing? Enjoy a night out and talk to people that you never have spoken to before. What a great time to re-event yourself! Think of 2019 as your beginning. Choose the person you want to be, not what others want you to be. Become the best version of yourself to expand your horizons. Let 2019 be your year!






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