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International Peace Day

Writer's picture: undefined

James Mitsch, Sophomore

The International Day of Peace is celebrated throughout the world on September 21st. This day is celebrated to strengthen the idea of peace internationally. There are lots of ways this day is celebrated and lots of reasons. There are lots of good things around the world, but there are lots of terrible things that happen. This day is meant to pause and try and stop all of the violence that occurs.

The people who celebrate this day could be anyone. It is meant to be for everyone because everyone of any age deserves peace. Also, anyone of any race can celebrate this day. Countries in the United Nations make this day a national day for everyone in their country.

There are many things that happen on this day for celebrating and spreading peace. People are to have a moment of silence at noon to show that they are supporting peace. People throw peace parties to celebrate the day of peace. Other activities to do are to plant trees, energize your community, spread the word about the day, and to give to charities that need money.

During what time of day peace is celebrated is completely up to you. I think that this is a great way to celebrate this day by doing whatever you want to celebrate and help the cause.

The celebrations of this day can happen anywhere in the world. People can go to the park or stay at their homes and have parties. There are many ways to celebrate and join in and it could be anywhere. This is great because no matter where you go, you can celebrate and have fun.

This day happens due to violence around the world that cannot always be stopped. There are many bad people around the world that are the complete opposite of peace and making people feel unsafe. This day is to show and spread peace to make everyone feel safe no matter the circumstance.

In conclusion this day is very important to the world and the people who live in it. Celebrations that happen for this day are fun and give out joy to the people who celebrate it. This day is great and will be around for a long time.






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