Julianna Flanagan, Sophomore
October is known for being LGBTQ History Month and celebrating the achievements and changes the world has experienced through the years as equality continues to be spread to the LGBTQ community. LGBTQ History Month’s goal is to provide a safe space and a time to look up to the role models and communities that support and are associated with LGBTQ. LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. The whole purpose of the month is to support those who are a part of this community as well as celebrate LGBTQ rights and people.

This celebration lasts all month long and was founded in 1994. When the month was originally named LGBTQ History Month, many organizations jumped on board with full support. The month was originally formed as a call to action and support but later included shining a spotlight on LGBTQ role models. These role models are people who have made a difference for everyone, but especially those in this community. There are over one hundred and seventy five biographies that are focused all about stories of those in the LGBTQ community. During the month of October, many continue to share their stories through the years of their experiences and the evolution of LGBTQ rights.
It is always encouraged to engage and educate yourself on the history and stories of LGBTQ members and continue to support the community. Luckily, October is the perfect time to do so. LGBTQ history is not taught in schools and other public education systems so October is used to inform others on the topic. Going along with LGBTQ History Month, it is also encouraged to stand up to those who have bullied or shamed those that are members of the LGBTQ community. Other important dates during October for LGBTQ History Month are October 11 which is National Coming Out Day and October 14th which was when the first gay rights march occurred in 1979. Overall, October is meant to celebrate LGBTQ history and to educate others and yourself on the topic.