Lucas Bottelier, Junior
One in every four adults in the United States lives with a disability. Although it is so common, many of these disabilities are often overlooked and neglected. One common misconception about disabilities is the severity of one's case, and the classification of a "disability". Many of the more minor and less severe disabilities are also included in this tally so it is important to understand that the entire 25% of that group is not really suffering from anything severe.

When people think of disabilities they usually will think of some of the more common and severe ones like mental, physical, developmental, and learning disabilities. No matter what the disability is, it can hold someone back from completing tasks with proficiency in the workforce. There are many situations where people with certain disabilities may face this struggle. For example if someone was born without an arm, tasks that require grabbing things or using those limbs are going to be much more difficult. This eliminates any possible job opportunity that requires the use of those limbs. Just this example alone shows the increased difficulty disabled people face when attempting to get hired. There are things in place like the ADA which protects disabled people from job discrimination. This act states that if one is able to complete the desired task with proficiency, there is no reason to avoid employment. Although having a disability of any kind can eliminate some possible job opportunities, there are still many jobs that most people with disabilities can take up with minimal difficulty. Some examples of well-paying jobs are an accountant, computer systems analyst, graphic designer, and many more. Although workers with disabilities face some problems that others don't, this does not show the struggle they go through outside of work. Disabled people on average have a much higher mortality rate than non-disabled people. Studies estimate a 10% shorter life expectancy than the non-disabled is ultimately due to the related health conditions that are common among people with certain disabilities. Although there is a physical disadvantage, it is impossible to ignore the stigma and struggle of social abuse and discrimination. Many of those with physical disabilities and developmental issues can develop abnormal features that can be eye catching to strangers and especially anyone who has not seen this disability before. The staring, questions, and social stigma one may receive can destroy confidence and can lead to the development of mental health issues and lack of self-confidence. Because of things like this, it is very important to acknowledge these people and not treat them as anything more or less than human. Any mental setbacks caused by a disability can cause self-doubt, lack of self-confidence, which can lead to a big lack of motivation which is what people need when going out and applying for a new job.
Something that is always said but never actually practiced is treating others how you would want to be treated. It is very important to look at life through a disabled person's perspective; when interacting with someone it is important to be cognizant of the gestures given and the tone used and to think of the thoughts and feelings that might be associated with words that are spoken. It is also important to raise awareness to those with disabilities of any kind or severity. Every October it is important to acknowledge and raise awareness to the families that work to support them and those with disabilities who work to support themselves.