Cora Anderson, Sophomore
On October 23rd, 2021, National Make a Difference Day is celebrated. This national holiday encourages people to help around their community and make a difference, big or small. This event is always celebrated on the fourth Saturday of October. Since 1998, active members of all communities have come together to improve the lives of others and the well-being of our planet. Many organizations like USA Weekend and Points of Light have sponsored the national holiday for over twenty years. USA Weekend actually founded the event, but recently they have decided to stop promoting the national weekend. Even without the support of those organizations, the event is still the largest weekend promoting community service nationally. Many local businesses still help to provide tools and opportunities for the volunteers to work on making their community a better place.
There are many ways to participate on National Make a Difference Day. One way is volunteering for a non-profit organization or just helping out around the community. There are many different ways to volunteer and it can be something fun that one does with their friends or family. Tasks like collecting trash or helping out at a local animal center are examples of volunteering opportunities that are the most popular. One can tie in their interests with their volunteer experience and turn the event into an enriching day. Some also try out being a mentor. This entails helping someone younger or less experienced learn a new skill or lesson that will better their life or community. An example of this is tutoring a younger student on an academic skill that they are struggling with. Another quick and easy way to help, without needing to put in physical work and effort, is donating to a charity of one's choice. This can help fund something one feels is meaningful. A very impactful, but simple action, is saying kind words to someone. They may be struggling or having a rough week and this one action can brighten their day. One last option is having someone do something they love to do. One never knows who might benefit from a hobby they enjoy and this will help everyone involved have a better Make a Difference Day. Bringing joy to someone else while also feeling that happiness is the easiest way to help one's community.
This national holiday is celebrated by many groups and organizations that try to better the environment and people around them. Laurence Segal's Cans For Cancer, known as Bottles 4 A Cure, collects bottles and cans yearly in the name of National Make a Difference Day. All of their proceeds are then donated to cancer research. Central School of Grand Cane, Louisiana participates each year by sanding and painting picnic tables. Their National Honors Society volunteers their time for this project each year. At Centralia College in Centralia, Washington there is a TRIO club that supports their local ECEAP program by donating shoes and coats for children ages 3-5. Fountain Hills Arizona has been participating in National Make a Difference Day since 2008. Many volunteers help their community and those who live there, in Arizona.
These are just a select few of the organizations and areas that support the cause that the national holiday is trying to get people involved in. If everyone contributed to better the community they live in or people around them, the environment everyone lives in would improve immensely. A simple act of kindness can go a long way and going out of the way to compliment or be nice to someone will help both parties involved. Community service is something that most everyone can get involved in, so participating in this holiday is easy and fun. Make sure to reach out and discover ways to help around the community this year on National Make a Difference Day. It can make a bigger impact than expected.