Julianna Flanagan, Sophomore

As everyone knows, as the New Year approaches it is time for a new start. 2021 and 2020 have been rough for many people due to all the new changes that have occurred over the past two years. It is important during this time to reflect on ourselves and what we personally can do to help ourselves and others. New Year's resolutions are a way to set new attainable goals to achieve within a year. In 2021 the percent of people who had stuck with their New Year's Resolutions and who achieved them was 71% which was almost 20% higher than last year. With that being said, if your goal is set and you stick with it, great things can happen. However, some people don’t know where to start and what their goals should be.
Below are several ideas for New Year's Resolutions.

-Drink more water
-Workout more to feel good and not to become thinner
-Start a journal
-Compliment people
-Do more things to help the Earth
-Practice your favorite sport more
-Spend more time with family or friends
-Disconnect from your phone more often
-Get organized
-Learn a new skill
-Take more time for self care
-Travel more
-Live life to the fullest
This is just a short and simple list of things that you can use as your resolution. These goals are so important to set so you have something to work towards and something to achieve. January 1st is the perfect time to just start. Many people never know when or how to start when they want to accomplish something. New Year’s gives you the opportunity to just simply start. Whether it is working out or just not caring what other people think, it is all important when it comes to a new year. It is encouraged to better yourself for yourself.
