By Savana Asay, Freshman

The Palisades theater students put on an amazing production of Wicked Is As Wicked Does. The cast did an excellent job of portraying their roles and staying in character even when there were some hiccups. The play told a story of Snow White’s wedding to Prince Intolerable. If and when Prince Intolerable became king, he planned to banish the Wickeds to Grimsdale, or so they thought; Grimsdale is actually the name of the dragon that planned to eat them. There were many comedic elements to the play, always making the audience laugh. The play was a hit, and everyone who showed up to support the students enjoyed it.
The sound effects and lighting added great touches to the production. It made it more real and believable. The costumes were outstanding, and the props were beautiful. The Wicked Queen, played by Madi Smith, was the lead role. She was amazing and did a tremendous job. Smith showed off her talents and impressed everyone in the audience. The emotion and skill were definitely showed in this play. Snow White, played by Abby Smith, was also tremendous at her role. She was strong, infuriated, and loving all in one, great job.
Everyone in this play did an outstanding job. The Wickeds, Princesses, Dwarfs, Princes, Frogs, Bears, Fairy Godmothers, Little Reds, Crocodiles, and all other characters worked together to put on a well put together and well portrayed production. We have Erin Hooper and Jaime Patterson to thank for this. These two senior girls directed the play. They did an incredible job at making sure everything was perfect. At the end of the play on opening night, the audience applauded the cast as they came out onto the stage. When the curtains closed, the cast screamed and laughed in joy of their opening night going so well. If I could see the play again I would, and I would definitely recommend others seeing it. Great job and and directors, this was an astounding 2019 Fall Production!