Jordan Husvar, Freshman
September is National Self-Care Awareness Month. Self-care plays a key role in people's lives, especially during today's times. Not only does it benefit people mentally, but it can also help them physically and emotionally. Self-care is however neglected by most people for various reasons. They might feel they don't have time to care for themselves, or simply don't know how. Thankfully, according to Everyday Health, “The number of searches for self-care has more than doubled since 2015.” With this being said, self-care is definitely becoming a more popular topic in today’s world.

The benefits of self-care are truly impressive. Self-care allows people to promote a healthier relationship with themselves. A more positive mindset can also be established. Studies have shown that when a person incorporates self-care into their life, they have a significantly lower amount of stress. Anxiety levels have also been decreased in those who practice self-care. It is also great in improving the amount of compassion an individual has for themselves. Those who utilize self-care are increasing their chances of living a longer, happier life.
It is hard for people to care for others if they don't care for themselves. By making time for self-care, people can ensure an enjoyable life. There are many different forms of self-care. Some people might like to paint, draw, or write. Some may enjoy spending time outdoors, running, or listening to music. Others may simply get a message, meditate, or just relax. No matter what someone considers self-care, the benefits that a person can receive from their alone time are just as good.
There are many different tips and things people can do to work on incorporating self-care into their lives. Having a gratitude journal and writing down what one likes and appreciates about themselves is a great way to practice self-care. A person can let go of something holding them back, and simply be kind to themselves. Reflecting on what they're grateful for, and doing things that make them happy are also forms of self-care. Taking time to breathe, and getting enough sleep is important to self-care. A person who meditates, or says positive affirmations to themselves is once again achieving self-care. All of the things listed above are helpful tips on how to make use of self-care.
With all of this being said, a month focusing around self-care is truly empowering. During today’s times, stress and anxiety are very common. The many self-care tips throughout the month of September can be helpful to those who are struggling. Although it may be hard, try to take time for self-care this September to ensure a happier, healthier lifestyle.