Gabriela Franco, Junior

Spring is here, which means it is time to start your spring cleaning! If you struggle on where you should start with your cleaning, do not worry because this article will help make your life easier!
First, start in an area where you feel that needs the most cleaning, such as your bedroom closet. That is a good place to start because, from personal experience, I had a lot of unnecessary stuff in my closet. You can look through all the clothes you have to see which ones you want and which ones you would like to either get rid of or donate it to a family member, one of the clothing/shoe box areas in a Giant or Walmart parking lot, or the Salvation Army. When looking through your items, make sure that you are not hoarding items that are not really worth hoarding because then you will not be making any progress with your spring cleaning. Next, after going through your closet, go to the basement (if you have one). I say the basement because that is where people store things that are not going to be in use. Go through boxes and check what items are worth keeping and what items should be thrown away or donated, such as old party supplies, old seasonal decorations, old work out machines, old weights etc. Then, after going through the items in the basement, go through your pantry. Sometimes we over-buy on food, so go through cans and snacks, and see what is still good and what’s expired. You will see such a big difference in your pantry after going through it. Lastly, clean the bathroom. Go through your medicine cabinet in the bathroom, and see what is expired and what is still good. Then, go through the drawers to see what hair products you want to keep and which ones that are either empty or you no longer use. It is good to do some spring cleaning because you’ll feel better about the progress you have made in your home, there is less of a mess, your mood will change in a good way when you clean your house, and you will be relieving yourself from a lot of stress! I hope this article helps with your cleaning.
Happy Spring Cleaning!