Kyle Cooper, Freshman
April is known around the world as Child Abuse Prevention Month. This month recognizes the importance of communities and families in order to strengthen families and to prevent child neglect. With 39, 824 victims of physiological abuse a year, child abuse has seemed to become worse over the years. Just last year, almost 2,000 children died from child abuse.

Child Abuse Prevention Month is a great time to spread awareness about what some children go through. The hardest form of abuse to detect is psychological abuse, and psychological abuse is also the most common form of abuse. This really makes you wonder about how many children have actually been abused. Children who face child abuse can also face issues into their adult life, such as PTSD, eating disorders, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. Even though child abuse reports were declining due to the pandemic, they recently have been skyrocketing.
There are many different ways to spread child abuse prevention awareness, including being active online for outlets to share knowledge about child abuse. Share your knowledge by either teaching a class or talking to friends or loved ones. Also know prevention programs to go to in order to stay informed.