Nicholas Caldwell, Junior
Special (adj) - Better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual.
These are the words Education Secretary Mrs. Betsy Devos neglected to review prior to ripping away nearly $18 million dollars from the Special Olympics foundation. Athletes and supporters alike have been distraught over Devos’ irreverent decision, many expressing their dismay.
From a 1962 summer camp where Eunice Kennedy Shriver founded a week long stay-away camp in Maryland for children with intellectual disabilities, Special Olympics has been funded federally since 1968. The foundation of this program dates back to nearly 50 years ago, and for a single individual to revoke the funding needed for this organization is quite dumbfoundingly shocking.
The goal of Special Olympics is quite simple. It strives to give children and adults with intellectual disabilities the opportunities to participate in sports and physical fitness activities to promote the inclusion of all intellectually disabled people around the world. Who's to say that this goal is not worthy of government funding?
Thankfully, President Donald J. Trump reversed this action nearly days later, expressing national and political support for the greater atypical association.
About 6,500 American schools participate in the Special Olympics Unified Champions’ league. If these proposed budget cuts became reality, the Unified Champion Schools program would be unable to continue in nearly all public schools across the country.
Palisades has its very own Unified Track & Field team this year. There are several athletes who participate with the assistance of head Coach Ned Comeaux. Actively being a student who is a participant in this league, I can proudly say that engaging with those who are also a part of the team is the best part of my day. Seeing a team work together and participants smiling all for the betterment of one another is an incomparable feeling to any amount of funding or time spent.
The Palisades next Unified track and field meet is next Tuesday at the Walter T. Rohrer stadium; be sure to come out and show your support and gratuity to our students and the funding provided. This foundation is truly one of the best things offered at Palisades High School!