Kylie Schmidt, Freshman
For all the single people out there, here are some things you can do on Valentine’s Day if you do not have a significant other. Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you can’t have a nice fun filled day with just yourself or friends!
A marathon of your favorite TV actor.
Babysit for a couple that wants to go out. There are so many parents who have kids and have to take their kids to different extracurricular activities and don’t have too much time to have date night.
Go shopping and take advantage of holiday sales. Go out to a mall or a bunch of stores and go on a Valentine’s day shopping spree. There are so many clothes on sale
Treat yourself to a spa day.
Go on a vacation. Plan either a day trip or a longer vacation like going to Florida for a week or going somewhere cool to get away and have a good time.
Take naps and get caught up on all the sleep that you have missed during the crazy new year!
Workout either alone or with friends in a scenic location
Watch Netflix! Binge watch all your favorite shows or new movies that have come out.
Go to a museum.
Make plans with friends. You could have a nice lunch or dinner with a bunch of friends.
Host a singles-only party.
Go to a couple massages or spa day.
Do something nice for someone. Doing good deeds always makes people happier with themselves.
Go to or watch a sporting event!
Get organized! Take a day off from work to get organized. Organize binders, computer documents, etc. Get caught up papers or other work that you have due soon.
Most importantly, love yourself! Make sure you’re happy!