Hey Pirates Pearl Readers!
It has been an absolute pleasure to serve as the Editor in Chief of the PHS Pirates Pearl for the 2020-2021 school year and I’m sad to see the year come to an end. The culmination of my prior two years of experience in journalism, including the role of 2019-2020 Sports Editor, allowed me to exercise my commitment to this program in the lead role this year. My passion for journalism and Palisades as a whole has shone through in these months full of writing, editing, posting, and creating. Serving in this role has given me a great opportunity to connect with the Palisades community in a year that looked unusual for everyone. Being a virtual student this year has separated me from my peers at times, but being the Editor in Chief for the Pirates Pearl was an amazing experience that provided me with an opportunity to stay involved and always uplifted my spirits.

I am proud to say that a challenging year worldwide provided no challenge for the Pirates Pearl. We have grown in every way, shape, and form this past school year, building upon the foundation that previous writers and alumni have given us. An inspiring, inclusive environment was created this year, as many of our new writers were freshman students whom I imagine will provide the program with amazing content for years to come. I can’t wait to see them grow as writers. Furthermore, our achievements this year included a partnership with the Stand up to Silence Club. We highlighted a new initiative of the club each month to promote the no-tolerance policy for bullying at Palisades. We also created the Pearl Podcast, a platform that I know will continue to flourish next year. Additionally, all of our social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, and our website grew at unprecedented rates this year, reaching, informing, and entertaining more members of the Palisades community than ever before.
It has been my absolute pleasure to serve as the Editor in Chief of the Pearl from home this year. Yet, I can’t wait to see all of our writers next year upon my return to in-person schooling, so I can wave to some friendly faces in the hallway and compliment everyone on their amazing work face-to-face. I would like to thank all of our contributors for an exceptional year. Additionally, I would like to highlight the leader of the incredible journalism program, Mrs. Trieu. Without her guidance and support, none of this would be possible. Hopefully, this is just so-long and not farewell; if given the chance, I would be honored to return as your Editor in Chief next year as a senior.
I wish everyone a restorative and relaxing summer, and thank you for your ongoing support!
So long,
Allie Wenskoski
2020-2021 PHS Pirates Pearl Editor in Chief