Nick Caldwell, Junior
For this month’s December spotlight article, we had the pleasure of interviewing Mrs. Cara LaFlamme. We got to know about her Freshman Connections involvement, work experience, and much more.
How long have you been working at the Palisades School District?
“This is my fourth year teaching here at Palisades.”
What do you teach at Palisades?
“I teach Biology, AP Biology, and Chemistry.”
How long have you been a part of Freshman Connection Committee? (A committee that devotes time to transitioning freshmen into the high school.)
“I have been part of the Freshman Connection Committee for 3 years.”
How did you get involved in the committee?
“Since I teach many freshmen in biology, I was asked to join the committee. I was happy to join as I feel that I would be a good resource for students in their transition to high school.”
What is your favorite activity that this committee arranges?
“My favorite activity is Freshman Orientation. I enjoy meeting the freshmen before school starts and assisting them in their preparation to start the year. It's a big transition and I think orientation gives freshmen a chance to learn something and hopefully feel more comfortable before they walk through the doors on the first day of school.”
What can we expect from the committee for the rest of this year?
“We will be planning a Post-Secondary Day and we are working on the possibility of a Team Building Activity Day.”
What do you hope the freshmen gain from this event?
“Post-Secondary Day allows for students to begin thinking about what they may want to do after high school. It's a great day with guest speakers that currently are involved in college athletics, admissions, technical schools, and the military. We also hope to have a panel of recently graduated PHS alumni who will be able to answer questions about their experiences both from their preparations as well as their post-secondary experiences. Freshmen will have a chance to learn and ask questions about these options that will be open to them after they graduate high school. It is never too early to begin thinking about after graduation and I hope that this day will help freshmen begin to think about what path they would like to take.
As one can see, Mrs. LaFlamme’s attributes to the Palisades school district even within the short four years of her employment have been very beneficial to not only the district but also to the students that grace the halls. It is a true blessing to have her as a part of our Palisades family and Freshman Connection committee.