Rita Detwiler, Senior
It’s that time of the year where family and friends get together to sit down for a nice dinner while giving thanks. However, many adults know the difficulty of giving kids a game to play to keep them occupied for a while. Others seek to find ways to have kids enjoy games that make them socialize and interact with others. Hand turkeys are always a great part of crafts and you can sit everyone down to make goofy turkeys that can have a home up on the walls. If you would rather have turkeys not sticking to your walls, they can always be attached to balloons and let loose as turkey rockets. If the hand turkeys are too chaotic, a Thanksgiving scavenger hunt is great to get kids to work up an appetite and release their energy. Let them search high and low for tiny pumpkins and fiery-colored leaves and make lists of objects needed. The lists can range from finding items around the house to bringing the adventure outside to find some objects of fall.
Thanksgiving turkey trivia challenges your brains around the dinner table as you are quizzed on how well you actually know the holiday. Look up some wild turkey facts like how fast can a turkey run (it’s 25 mph for those that are interested) and add in a couple of goofy bird puns for a good laugh. Another fun dinner game is a Thanksgiving Mad Libs instead of a place-mat at the dinner table. While everyone is waiting for the food to be set up on the table, people can begin to fill out the fun little story. Once everyone is seated and the food is served, everyone can go around telling their quirky stories and laughing at how crazy some sound. Don’t forget some of the best games are asking your family and friends what they do to enjoy Thanksgiving, you never know how much fun it could be!