Meherrin Stevens, Freshman
From February 24th to the 25th, the Battle of Los Angeles occurred. The Battle of Los Angeles is historically known as an attack from Japan to California. This occurred after the U.S. entered World War II, and it was believed to be their response to Pearl Harbor. While many believe this was an air raid from Japan, others believe the attack was caused by extra-terrestrials because civilians saw unidentified objects in the sky, which were not military planes.
A conspiracy theory is a proposed plot that can be carried out by a powerful group of people with a strong goal in belief. A conspiracy theory is not a proven explanation for an event. In most cases, people start believing conspiracy theories due to an event that occurred; naturally everyone wants to know what actually happened during the event. People want to feel certain of the truth from the outcome of the event, so that's when they twist the story to make it sound truthful to them. The conspiracy theory gets around and more and more people start believing in it. Some people believe very serious conspiracy theories about COVID-19, 9/11, and that landing on the moon was a hoax. Other conspiracy theories are less serious, like that birds aren't real, the Earth is flat, and many more.
I interviewed students and teachers from Palisades High School about their theories on extraterrestrials with questions including: if they ever had an extraterrestrial interference, if someone told you they had an extraterrestrial interference would you believe them not, and lastly, what other conspiracy theories do you believe in?
When I asked a teacher if he believed in extraterrestrials he said, “Considering the size of the universe which to our knowledge is never-ending, I think it would be impossible to say we are alone in the universe.” I then asked if he or anyone he knew had an extraterrestrial experience. He said, “Yes, when I was younger I was fox hunting with my father. We were out in the fields sitting on a burn and all of a sudden out of nowhere the back left corner had a radiant light. It started real dim and got bright enough to where it looked bright as day. The light slowly died down. I couldn’t see where the light was exactly coming from because it was over a hill. There’s no road access, the only road access is where they would have to drive past us and no one drove by us.”
While this teacher believed in extraterrestrials, the six students I interviewed did not. Some students reasoned through their responses of “no” because there is no proven evidence of extraterrestrials existing.
I asked another person if she believed in extraterrestrials, and she said,“ I wouldn’t be surprised. The universe is massive. How much we know about outer space is about how much we know of the ocean.”
The remainder of the students and teachers I interviewed had similar responses about how big the universe is and how the majority of it still remains undiscovered.
A teacher I interviewed said that he believed in extraterrestrials and when asked if he had a personal extraterrestrial interference he requested to keep that information to himself. But when asked “if someone told you that they had extraterrestrial interference, would you believe them?” he said, “Yes, because the universe is way too big to believe that we are the only thing in existence.”
When I asked students and teachers about any other conspiracy theories they believed in, the answer was that extraterrestrials do exist.
When I asked a student why they believed in the extraterrestrial conspiracy theory, they said, “conspiracy theories do not just come from anywhere, there have to be people who have seen UFOs or something to think about aliens.”
New conspiracy theories are made every day. Some conspiracy theories are better known than others, and some are not as important as others. Everyone tends to believe in different theories, making a contrast between groups of people, leaving these theories unsolved, yet interesting.