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Palisades High School Prom 2022: Potential Disaster or Unforgettable?

Savana Asay, Junior

Palisades High School has finally released the details on its 2022 prom. The dance will be held at The Steel Club on Monday, May 16, 2022. Ever since the date of prom has been released, students and teachers have been questioning the outcome of the event. Will it be a disaster or an unforgettable night for the students of Palisades High School?

(Photo Courtesy: Riley Haubert)

Multiple interviews have been conducted asking the students their views and predictions for this year’s prom. One student said, “I think it’s really stupid, I hate it” after being asked how she felt about prom being on a Monday night. Another student said, “I hate it”. I think it's the worst day to pick.”

However, an interview involving two student council members revealed that Monday was the only night that they could book for prom.

Almost all of the students interviewed had the same reaction to the question; it seems that most students are not a huge fan of Mondays, which led to the question of, “do you think prom being on a Monday will negatively affect your experience?” Most students said yes, with one student adding that she would, “live it up no matter what.” Students were then asked if they had plans after prom, and answers included, “we are not one hundred percent sure yet,” “with the fact that it’s on a Monday, no,” “I don’t know,” and “I’m probably going to hang out with friends after and not do school work.” Many agreed with this last quote, that school work will not be getting done the night of prom.

With this information, we talked to the teachers, asking how they would be handling their assignments the day of prom and the following day. One teacher stated, “Yes I do believe that the students will be a little more…tired that day,” when asked about her predictions for her students’ performance the day following prom. She then followed up with, “as much as possible. Just kidding, no I will not,” when asked if she will be giving her students homework on prom night. Many of the teachers stated similar answers to these questions, so good news for the Palisades High School students: you will not be completing homework in your prom outfit.

(Photo Club: The Steel Club Homepage)

The principal and assistant principal of Palisades High School, Mr. Heffernan and Mrs. Schlosser, were then interviewed with their own set of questions. When asked how prom ended up to be on a Monday night, Mr. Heffernan answered, “We had to start planning prom in the fall, and during the fall there were a lot of things at play. We had a mask mandate at play…because a lot of places were still requiring masks to be worn indoors at their facilities, we ourselves still had a mask mandate in place as a Palisades High School. So the students really liked how Fall Formal went, and the fact that we were able to have it outside. Nobody had to wear masks because of the fact of being outside and it was at a really nice venue.” He later added, “Our students were searching for facilities to have prom on a Friday or Saturday night, and it was very, very difficult, if not impossible, to find a place that could accommodate us…and be affordable…..They (The Steel Club) could accommodate us but they could only accommodate us on a Monday night because that’s the night their facility is closed. So that’s kinda how it ended up being on a Monday night.” According to both Mr. Heffernan and Mrs. Schlosser, no decisions have been made yet regarding the day after prom. Both are working with the Palisades High School student council along with Superintendent Bridget O'Connell to work out a plan, possibly involving asynchronous work for first and / or second period, then have students come into school the rest of the day. Everyone working on this has stated they are very understanding of the situation and are trying their best to do the best they can. Mr. Heffernan made sure to state in his interview that on Monday, students attending prom will be let out early in order to prepare for the event, as long as a parent note is brought in.

The Palisades High School prom of 2022 is officially in play. Students are gearing up for the big event and gaining more and more excitement as the weeks pass, but when students caught wind of the dance being on a Monday night, students were not so happy. It has become known that there is a reason for this date, and a valid one at that. Without prom being on a Monday, students would have to pay at least twice the amount they are paying now to get their tickets. So Palisades, do you think prom 2022 is still going to be a disaster, or an unforgettable night?

Sources: Riley Mitchell, Riley Haubert, Sammie Trickel, Laci Giancola, Lilly Eusterbrock, Mrs. Piper, Mrs. Timochenko, Mrs. Rood, Mr. Heffernan, and Mrs. Schlosser

Photos Courtesy of: Riley Haubert and The Steel Club Homepage

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